Labels:bulletin board | dialog box | window OCR: Section Estima ted distances to mee1 RF power density guidel lines in the main beam of am array of eight 17 -e lement Yagis wi th five wave leng th booms designed for ear th-moon- -earth ("moonbounce I1 * communica tions on the 144NHz BWE teu radio band (es tim ted zain 24dbi) Calcu tions inc lude the EPA ground reflec tion fac tor 56 -reouenc 144MHz Controlied Limit: w/cn7 Uncon trolled Lim /c powe Dis tance to Distance to [Ha con linit uncontro led linit 150 90 20 500 166 37 1500 287 642 tima suap guide mair erre izned teur tter pover Hatt lini